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kingdom builder daily prayers

Kingdom Builder Daily Prayer Book is a prayer guide for Christian entrepreneurs to build a brand and business according to the Bible. The Kingdom Builder daily prayers is a book inspired by the Healing Talks with Laurie Pinkins podcast: Kingdom Builder series. This podcast series focuses on building a Godly character and constructing your personal identity in Christ.

It provides you with the tools to develop a new mindset. Which is focused on the blueprint of Heaven for your life. These tools empower you to overcome the mental anguish, that is a result of living in a digital-centered world.

By praying the Kingdom Builder daily prayers alongside the paired scriptures & declarations, your life will begin to transform. In order for your life to magnify the Kingdom of God on Earth, in your


  • Character
  • Career
  • Business &
  • Relationships

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Turn the Page

7-step guide to heal from depression

Laurie Pinkins highly anticipated new healing guide to help you heal from the hidden symptoms of depression in 7 steps. This book includes Daily Prayers, Affirmations, Scriptures, Steps to combat depressive thoughts, and a Personal testimony of healing from depression. Use this practical guide paired with biblical principles to transform your life after depression and rewrite your life story to one filled with hope & joy.

Available on Barnes & Noble


with laurie pinkins

Laurie Pinkins authored this healing guide to empower you on your inner healing. Take a journey of faith, love, and hope to transform your mind from negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Using practical and Biblical principles. This book provides you with the practical and biblical tools to scratch out negative thoughts with the Scriptures of the Bible.


" Sustainable healing is possible with GOD. "