Hello! I am Life Transformation Coach, Laurie Pinkins.

I’ve lived most of my life in defensive mode to protect myself, due to being abused since childhood. I was surviving and not actually living. I had unhealed trauma triggers that affected every area of my life. I thought no one understood me. Until GOD stepped in and healed my life!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a young age. However, as I entered adulthood,  I did not live my life in total surrender to Him. But GOD is always in pursuit of His children. GOD was on a rescue mission for my life! 

HE saved me from the trauma triggers destroying my life, by leading me to a therapist, who opened my eyes to the dysfunctional life I was living.

This experience inspired me to become a Life Transformation Coach. I learned how to heal GOD’s way and I want to empower you to do the same! 

Contact me

I look forward to working with you


" Being confident of this very thing, that HE which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of JESUS CHRIST: "
Philippians 1:6 KJV

My Mission

To provide coaching and motivational speaking to empower, guide, and motivate women to their highest potential to transform their personal development and inner healing. I do this through heart-centered personal engagement, authentic practical skills, and biblical principles. 

My Vision

For women to build their confidence in GOD so they can live a happy, healthy, and healed life. 

" Sustainable healing is possible with GOD. "